Celebrating International Mother Language Day: 21st Ferbruary Report

Celebrating International Mother Language Day: 21st February: Hey learners I am highly glad to inform you that I am going to share a new report on celebrating observing international mother language day or you may call it 21st February. The question like the below:
International Mother Language Day
International Mother Language Day

image source: Wikimedia
Suppose, you are a reporter of a renowned national daily. Write a report on observing or celebrating International Mother Language Day or 21st February.  Suppose you are Samantha, a student at KD College, Yesterday, the international mother language day or 21st February was celebrated or observed in your college. Now write a short report on it.

Celebrating International Mother Language Day / Celebrating Ce21st February / Observing 21st February / Observing International Mother Language Day
Samantha, KD College / Staff Reporter, Daily Bangladesh, 21 February 2019: Yesterday, the international mother language day was observed in KD College with a befitting manner. On that day, the lecturers of the college, students, guardians, and the local people took out a procession led by the principal of the college. After the procession, they assembled at the Shaheed Minar of the college. They offered flowers to show tribute to the martyrs who sacrificed their lives to establish only mother tongue. The minar was covered with colorful flowers and festoons. The national flag was kept half-mast on this day. After that, a short discussion meeting was held. In the discussion, the students, teachers’ and local elites delivered their valuable speeches focusing on the significance of the Language Movement and great contribution of the language martyrs. They also commemorated language martyrs Shafiq, Rafiq, Jabber, Salam, Barkot who laid their lives in the language movement in 1952. At the end of the discussion, a colorful cultural function was started held in the college auditorium. Many students sang patriotic songs and traditional songs. At 12.30 pm the principal concluded the function.

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