Write an application to the principal of your college for organizing or arranging or setting up a literary club. or
Write an application to
the principal of your college seeking permission to organize or arrange or set
up a literary club.
03, January, 2019
The Principal
TBD College, Khulna.
Sub: Application for organizing or arranging or setting up a literary club.
Dear Sir,
the students of class XII of your college beg most respectfully to state that our
college is well furnished with various modern facilities. But there is no
literary club in our college. As a result, we are being deprived of getting
literary knowledge. We believe that it will enrich our literary, gatherings,
debating, recitation, essay competition, cultural skills and knowledge etc.
therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to permit us to organize / arrange / set up a literary club
in our college and oblige thereby.
most obediently
Sinthia Zaman
On Behalf of the students
of XII
TBD College, Khulna.
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