Model Test 4 English 2nd Paper for hsc

Model Test for HSC English Second Paper With Answers According the Short Syllabus:

Model Test 4 English 2nd paper for hsc
Model Test 4 English 2nd paper for hsc

1. Complete the text with suitable prepositions:                                           .5×10=5

I caught sight of him while crossing the road. I wanted a) ............ talk with him. But was b) .............. a hurry. He was one of my best friends. Both  c) ..........  us studied  d) ..........  the same college.  I had an intimacy e) ) ..........    him.  We both got separated f)  ..........   each other after the completion g) ...........  HSC examination.  My heart was really thirty h) ............... him. But he was out i) .......... our locality. I hardly meet with him. Perhaps this is the go j).......... the world.

Answers: a) to   b) in     c) of      d) in/at        e) with       f) from     g) of     h) for     i) of       j)  of


2. Fill in the blanks using suitable phrases or words:      .5×10=5

as long as

would rather

let alone

has to

What if

What does ..... look like


would you mind

had better

as if

a)  There is a bad smell in the room. .................. opening the window?

b) Nobody likes Herok at all. He talks ...............  he knew everything.

c) I don’t know how to ride a bike. I ------------ walk than ride a bike.

d) God will help us ------------- we try honest and cordially.

e) The poor people can hardly afford of buying fish ----------- meat.

f)  He missed the train. He  ---------- return home.

g) You look very pale. You ..............  consult a doctor.

h)  Sanjida is very weak in English. She -------- study hard.

i) Tamanna: -------- chess board .........?

j)  ---------  are two schools in our village.  


Answers :  a) would you mind   b) as if   c)  would rather    d) as long as  e) let alone  f) had to  g) had better  h) has to /had better  i) What does ......... look like, j) There 


3. Complete the sentences with suitable clauses or phrase          1×5=5

a) Time plays a vital role in our life. But we know time once lost ..........................  can never be regained.

b) Cinthia is an ---------------------. She is not only a brilliant student but also a good singer.

C) -------------------- , he is not a happy man. Happiness completely depends on the self-contentment.

d) Hasib is an HSC candidate. Since the examination is knocking at the door, ................................. .

e) After retirement a person is usually considered burden of the society. But they can contribute much to the country ................


Answers : a) can never be regained.  b) Intelligent girl.  c) Inspite of having vast wealth / Despite vast wealth d) he is working hard. / he has concentrated to his study. e)  with his vast knowledge and experience. e)


4. Read the following text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context:       .5×10=5

Jerry was an orphan boy. He a) ----------- (come) to the orphanage at the age of four. He b) ---------- (lose) his parents in his childhood.  Then the authority of the orphanage took the responsibility for c) ---------- (take) care of him.  He could hardly d) --------------- (remember) his mother and father. In spite of e) ------------ (be) an orphan boy, he had developed a strong fabric of morality that f) ------------ (impressed) the authoress most. With some subconscious and gracious qualities he g) ---------- (be) able to draw the attention of the writer and was able to h) -------- (achieve)  her  love and affection. He i) --------- (tell) an imaginary story that j) ---------- (turn) the writer into the motherly love and affection to him.

Answers: a) came  b) lost  c) taking  d) remember    e) being  f) impressed g) was    h)  achieve  i) told  j)  turned

5. Change the narrative style by using indirect speeches:      1×5=5   

“Oh, my lord, please do not kill the child, “said the woman.  “Let her have it.” King Solomon said, “Now everything is clear to me. Pointing the women, he said to the servant,” Give her the child. She is the real mother of the baby. And detain this evil woman in prison. She will be punished in the right way.”

Answer: Addressing the king as her lord, the woman emotionally requested him not to kill the child and told the kind that she (the evil woman) might have it. The kind said that everything was clear to him then. Pointing the women, he ordered to the servant to give her the child. Then he ordered the servant again to detain the evil woman in prison. He also added that she would be punished in the right way.  


6. Use appropriate sentence connectors in the blank spaces of the following passage. .5×10=5

Mobile phone has become an essential gadget for everyone  a) ------------ it has become very popular today.  b) ------------  it has created a number of problems. It has c) ------------ advantages d) ------------ disadvantages. e) ------------ it helps to connect people. f) ------------ it helps to exchange information among the users. g) ------------ it can be used for various purposes. h) ------------ it has some disadvantages too i) ------------  can create many problems.  J) -------------  its advantages are  more than disadvantages.


Answers : a) as   b) But/However,  c) both,   d) and  e) Firstly, f) Secondly,  g) Mover/ Besides /Furthermore  h) However, i) which  j. Yet / Nevertheless

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