A Moonlit Night

Paragraph ‘A Moonlit Night’

Hello learners, what are you doing today? I think you all are getting ready for the HSC examination and SSC exam 2023 is going on. Have you already got  the paragraph ‘A Moonlit Night’? This paragraph is very important for the ensuing examination. Ok, let’s dive into the topic. 

Write a paragraph by answering the following questions. 

What is a moonlit night? 

How does nature look at such a night? 

What do people do on a moonlit night? 

How are the poets affected by the night? 

How do you feel on a moonlit night?

Paragraph a moonlit night
Paragraph a moonlit night

You can be asked to write the paragraph in 100, 150, 200, or even 250 words. You can make your answer like the way I mentioned below. 

Answer of the paragraph: 

A Moonlit Night

When a night gets flooded with the light of the moon, it is called moonlit night. A moonlit night is indeed very charming and enjoyable. No one can ignore the beauty of the moon. At night, the moon looks like a disc of silver. Nature gets a charming and flashing look. It dazzles our eyes and generates a happy feeling in the mind. The moon splashes the whole earth with her sparkling silvery light. Rivers, canals, lakes, tanks, brooks, streams glisten with the light of the full moon. On this night the whole of nature seems to take bath with the tender light of the moon.   

People of all ages feel better and their hearts fill with an untold peace. Old people come out of their rooms, sit together and start gossiping. The joys of the young boys and girls know no bounds. They lose themselves in the lap of nature flooded by the blinking moonlight.  They get thrilled and charmed. Some play on the yard or roof, some of them sing and some listen to their favorite songs. Children get enchanted listening to stories from their grandmothers. 

The newly married couples find the moonlit night special and become romantic..  

Poets of different languages are excited on a moonlit night. The twinkling nature becomes the endless source of their writings. 

Like all others, I really enjoy the stunning beauties and attractions of a moonlit night. My joys go beyond my imagination on the moonlit night. 

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