The Thirsty Crow Story- Completing Story

The Thirsty Crow: Completing Story - short story for hsc, ssc- class 10, 12:

It was a hot summer day. There was scorching heat of the sun. On that day, a crow became very thirsty. It wanted to drink water but there was no water around it. So, the crow began to fly ........
The Thirsty Crow Stroy
Thirsty Crow
The thirty Crow / The clever crow / Where there is will there is a way / Ready wit of a thirsty crow / Necessity is the mother of invention.

It was a hot summer day. There was scorching heat of the sun.  A crow became very thirsty. It wanted to drink water but there was no water around it. So, it began to fly but did not find any source of water anywhere.
The crow was very hopeful and patience. It was clever too. So, it did not lose heart and kept on flying. At last it found a jar in a garden. It became very pleased. It flew down and sat on the jar. But alas! There was a little water at the bottom of the jar and it was out of its reach. Hence, it tried to turn the jar over again and again but brought no result. After several efforts, the crow got tired and disappointed.
In despair when it was about to leave the place, it noticed a heap of pebbles nearby. It got hope and hit upon a plan.
The crow picked up some pebbles and started dropping into the jar one after another. As a result, the water of the jar rose up little by little. When the water came to the brim of the jar, the crow drank its heart content and flew away.

In this way, the strong will of the crow helped it to meet its thirst.


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